Real Food Wisdom

11 Gluten-Free Baking Tips

11 Gluten-Free Baking Tips

If you’re a newcomer to gluten-free baking, you’ll want to review the following tips before you start baking anything. Unlike cooking, where you can easily swap out one ingredient for another, baking is precise and less amenable to substitutions.  Gluten-free baking...

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The Benefits of Bone Broth

The Benefits of Bone Broth

When it came to food, our ancestors never wasted as much as we do. When an animal was available to eat, EVERY part of animal was viewed as edible—not just “lean protein (muscle meats). This included organ meats, like liver; animal fat and bones. Speaking of bones…bone...

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Liver: An Ancient Superfood

Growing up, my mother used to cook liver once a week or every two weeks. I loved liver and regarded it as a "treat", sometimes confusing it with steak, which I also loved! As a child, I had no idea that liver was a nutrition powerhouse. It is, in fact, an original...

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The Power of Protein

The Power of Protein

Come September, we want (and need) more energy! There are schedules to juggle. Places to be. People to see. Reaching for more caffeine and sugar to boost energy, however, tips most of us into hormonal imbalance, setting us up to feel more anxious, overwhelmed and...

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Celebrating Summer Bounty

Celebrating Summer Bounty

Home cooked food is good food—and a pleasure that we don’t enjoy often enough. Here, in New York, we’re at peak summer harvest. How will you celebrate this seasonal bounty? For easy home-cooking inspiration, click on the photos (above and below) for healthy and...

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Hi, I’m Kathryn Matthews. As a Board Certified Functional Health Coach, I help clients reclaim their energy, vitality and well-being. I want you to feel empowered about taking charge of YOUR health! To learn more, see About Kathryn.

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