Resolution Rx: 10 Steps Towards Better Health

Resolution Rx: 10 Steps Towards Better Health

Did you make a New Year’s health resolution—like losing weight, getting fit, or eating healthy?  In all likelihood, by end-January, that initial fire in your belly has faded.  Maybe you’ve even reverted to familiar (but unhealthy) habits. An estimated 92% of people...
Summer “Cleanser” Smoothie

Summer “Cleanser” Smoothie

Smoothies make a great breakfast, especially in the summer, when your body is most primed for raw foods. They’re an efficient way to eat your vegetables and fruit at one time. Whenever I have a savory all-green smoothie (the only fruit in it is lime) for breakfast, I...
Eating to Lose Weight

Eating to Lose Weight

Are you still hanging onto extra weight that you would love to vanquish? Are you feeling bloated, lethargic, fatigued, irritable, or generally “icky”? Has your heartfelt New Year’s resolution to “eat healthy” already fallen by the wayside?  Does self-care continue to...
The Health Benefits of Saturated Fat

The Health Benefits of Saturated Fat

Now, there’s something we don’t often hear about…the health benefits of saturated fat! For nearly 60 years, saturated fat has been portrayed as a villain.  See my post Why Saturated Fat Is Not the Enemy.  Yet, other indigenous populations, like the...